We would like to issue this call for papers for our feminist theological journal in Asia, in God’s image, for the year 2010. The Editorial Advisory Committee of iGi has suggested the following themes for the four editions in 2010:
March – Asian Feminist Leadership & Ecclesia
June – national issue: Hong Kong
September – Mixed or open issue
December – Holy Spirit & Mariology
(1) March 2010 is on Asian Feminist Leadership & Ecclesia. This edition can include articles on issues of power and sacraments, liturgy and ministry, and various topics that have to do with leadership in the church – including whether women’s leadership is recognized and encouraged in the church or suppressed and devalued. Write-ups on women’s leadership in family, NGOs, and the wider society are also very welcome. Please send contributions to AWRC at igi@awrc4ct.org or amarsiana@awrc4ct.org and hope@piapi.net latest by 31 December 2009.
(2) June 2010 will be a national issue on and by our sisters in Hong Kong. Our sisters in Hong Kong will decide on their guest editor and editorial committee as well as on their theme. Final date for receiving all manuscripts will be 31 March 2010 atigi@awrc4ct.org or amarsiana@awrc4ct.org and hope@piapi.net
(3) September 2010 will be a mixed and open issue. This is to give space for essays, Bible studies, reflections, poems, etc. that are already available but may not fit the other editions with assigned themes. Please send your contributions to AWRC atigi@awrc4ct.org , amarsiana@awrc4ct.org and hope@piapi.net by 30 June 2010
(4) December 2010 will be on the theme, Holy Spirit & Mariology, a very fitting title especially in view of December and the related events of Advent and Christmas. Possible questions related to this topic are: (a) What are some of our articulations of an Asian feminist theology of the Holy Spirit? (b) What are some of our theological reflections on Mary and her role in the salvific acts of God? (c) How does Mary inspire women’s empowerment and feminist engagement in works for transformation? Please send your contributions for the December edition to AWRC at igi@awrc4ct.org , amarsiana@awrc4ct.org and hope@piapi.net by September 30, 2010.
Please send along a photo or graphic/visual design with some credit to your source (and permission from the source for us to use the photo or graphic). We welcome articles from AWRC members and other Asian women as well as men who are in solidarity with women in their struggle for genuine partnership and social transformation. AWRC is not a profit-making organization so we do not have a policy of giving honoraria to contributors. We give two copies of the edition in which your article is published. in God’s image is subscribed to by a number of theological libraries and feminist theologians in various parts of Asia and beyond.