Dear AWRC Members, Readers and Subscribers of iGi,

Greetings of peace from AWRC in Taiwan!

In December 2019, the Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) that met in Taiwan decided to combine the June and December Issues of 2020 into a single ISSUE with a focus on the theme: “Doing Feminist Theologies in Asian Contexts”.

We write now calling for contributions of papers, reflections on the realities, struggles and the liberation of Asian women. We encourage and seek reflections on the following and related questions:

How has feminist theology been received in your location? How is feminist theology being done in Asia today? What are the challenges to doing feminist theology in Asia? What are the issues around which women are theologizing? What has been the impact of feminist theology on church and liturgy? How has Asian Feminist theology been received in theological education in Asia? Historical overviews, developments in Feminist theology, influences, interfaith relations and feminist theology are some other possibilities. Theological articulations around ethnic cleansing/genocide, violence, rape matters, trafficking and similar issues are most welcome.

We welcome narrative and analytical essays, biblical interpretations, sermons, reflections and poems that address any of the questions above and essays that critique and analyze oppressive social realities, deconstruct dominant theological and ideological beliefs that are transformative to women’s lives and will contribute to the empowerment and liberation of women.

iGi also encourages students’ attempts at feminist theologizing and we welcome essays/articles from students of theology, religions and women’s studies.

iGi also features art pieces, e.g. photos, paintings, drawings, sketches, etc. that portray feminist theology of liberation in your contexts. We therefore welcome artistic reflections appropriate to the theme along with permission to use them, even if it is your own work.

Attached is the “Guidelines for Writers of iGi”. Kindly note that we are seeking original articles. Those that have been published elsewhere will not be accepted. The recommended word limit for each article: 1000 to 4000 words.

It would be great if you could send your contributions to and on or before the 1st June 2020.

As a gesture of appreciation and thanks AWRC will send you two copies of iGi when your paper or art piece is published.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Please do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or queries.

Thank you.

Best regards,


On behalf of the Guest Editorial Team

Call for Papers for iGi 2020

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