Dear AWRC Members, Readers and Subscribers of iGi:
Greetings from AWRC! The Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) for iGi is calling for papers on the topic, Biblical Interpretation or Hermeneutics for the June 2014 issue of iGi. We are therefore inviting you to contribute by sending your critical feminist biblical exegesis and interpretations, sermons, or any literary creation that critiques and analyzes oppressive reality, deconstructs dominant theological and ideological beliefs and teachings including traditional or patri-kyriarchal biblical interpretations, and points towards transformation, e.g. womenβs efforts for change and liberation. Contributors are encouraged to explain how or what tools are being used, and to acknowledge oneβs social location in doing an interpretation. Texts and narratives suggested for exploration are the widowβs mite, Mary and Martha, Anointing Women in the New Testament; the rape of Tamar, the rape of Dinah, Vashti and Jezebel in the Old Testament. You may also want to do one on other least known women in the Bible. If you are teaching theology especially feminist theology in your seminaries, please encourage your students, women and men alike, to share their papers on Biblical Interpretation. If you are an artist and have art pieces, e.g. photos, paintings, drawings, sketches, etc. related to the topic, please share them, too. As a gesture of appreciation and thanks, AWRC will send you two copies of iGi whenever your paper or art piece is published. Due date for submissions is 30 January 2014. You may send inquiries or submission by email to:;
Thank you very much.
The Editorial Advisory Committee, iGi
Hisako Kinukawa, Hyunju Bae, Yong Ting Jin, and Jessica Richard